Back / 1st DOLLY Mechanic
Робота з долі "Dolly" - Magnum; Grip Factory; Super Panther;Panter Classic; Panther Classic Plus; Panther Husky
Certificates and education
PATRIOT Rental Certification
Foreign languages
ENGLISH - Upper-Intermediate
Mr. Jones (Ціна Правди) (2019)
Agnieszka Holland
Freies Land (2019)
Christian Alvart
99 Songs (2019)
Vishwesh Krishnamoorthy
The Rising Hawk (Захар Беркут) (2019)
Akhtem Seitablaev , John Wynn
Le Bureau des Legendes (Бюро легенд) (2019)
Eric Rochant
Woman at War (2018)
Benedikt Erlingsson